From Surveillance to Actionable Insights: Ayvos Redefines Video Analytics with Holocrow

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Published by · Holocrow · At January 25 2024

In today's data-driven world, leveraging existing technologies for actionable insights is crucial for any business's success. Our innovative platform, Holocrow, was recently featured on Microsoft Network, showcasing its transformative impact across a range of industries. This brief article highlights the key aspects of the feature and invites you to explore in-depth how Holocrow is reshaping global business landscapes.

The Power of Holocrow

Ayvos is proud to have developed Holocrow, a cutting-edge platform at the intersection of video analytics and image processing. Holocrow enhances existing CCTV cameras with advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI), providing businesses an efficient, cost-effective way to unlock insights and optimize operations without the need for new hardware.

Key Verticals and Applications

Holocrow is pivotal in four major verticals:

Retail & FMCG

Enhancing customer experiences and operational efficiency by analyzing customer behavior and optimizing store layouts.

Surveillance and Security

Excelling in areas like real-time parking management, offering immediate alerts and visual evidence for effective security monitoring.

Workplace Safety

Monitoring safety protocol compliance to ensure employee safety.

Operational Excellence

Streamlining processes such as inventory management for businesses like Unilever.

Embracing Cloud Connectivity

Utilizing the power of 5G and the potential of 6G, Holocrow emphasizes cloud connectivity for scalable, efficient, and swift video analytics. This cloud-based approach ensures rapid access to insights for faster, more informed decision-making.

Impactful Real-World Case Studies

The Microsoft Network feature includes engaging case studies that highlight Holocrow's versatility. From a New York coffee shop gaining valuable customer insights to Unilever improving its inventory management, these examples demonstrate Holocrow's real-world effectiveness.

Explore Our Microsoft Network Feature

For an in-depth look at how Holocrow is driving innovation and shaping the future of AI in various industries, we invite you to read our feature on Microsoft Network. Discover Holocrow's full capabilities and its transformative potential for your business.


Holocrow by Ayvos is not just a platform; it's a catalyst for unmatched business insights and operational efficiency. Check out our feature on Microsoft Network to understand the change we're driving across industries.

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